Posts in Drones
Futureproof: Lawn Keeper Drones

We subscribed to the Lawn Keeper drone service last Fall, and our lawn has never looked better. Syncing with seasonal data and local weather forecasts, the service seeds and fertilizes our lawn at optimal times of the year. The optional Lawn Defender service makes weekly passes to keep weeds at bay by targeting them with just enough low-power laser energy to eliminate them.

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Futureproof: 21st Century Balconies

Well, here it is, right on time. Many debated the merits of allowing aerial delivery by drones within city limits years ago, but now it is commonplace. Breakthroughs in drone safety and making them much quieter were key to growing acceptance. Now, units with balconies in New York command a premium over those without them due to the convenience of balcony delivery.

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Futureproof: Cinema Pro Drone Companion Package

I’ve ridden some epic long-distance motorcycle journeys and always captured key moments in my mind. I never wanted to pull over to fumble with a camera or nurse GoPro batteries and miss out on the true essence of a ride. Now, I capture memorable stretches of trips and spirited riding sessions with a simple button press.

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