About | Experience. Curiosity. Optimism.


Designbivouac leverages deep design expertise, helping clients find their path to a preferred future with curiosity, optimism, an appreciation for technology, and our place in the natural world.

What’s in a name?


Designbivouac embraces a design approach that involves “bivouacking,” or getting out into the world to discover and draw firsthand inspiration from those we are designing for and with to move things forward.


de·sign, /dəˈzīn/: To create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan.
biv·ouac, /ˈbiv(ə)ˌwak/: A type of camp or shelter.

Founder Perspective

I am driven to apply design thinking to human and planet-centric work that improves lives and I am passionate about mentoring, guiding, and learning from colleagues so that we can do the best work of our lives together.
— Danny Stillion, Founder and Principal - designbivoauc, LLC

Client Perspective

You guys are clearly smart. This is something we would never have come up with. We understood the value of this work 5 minutes into your presentation. I can think of many ways in which we can leverage this approach.
— Sergio Marchionne, CEO Ferrari

Representative Client Listing

Should you have a project, event or position you would like to discuss, get in touch using the contact form.