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Designbivouac offers over 30 years of deep design experience spanning various consumer, medical, and mobility projects. Get in touch to learn more about how we can collaborate on future vision, interaction design, strategy, and branding work.
Featured Work
Work includes digital experience design, strategic innovation work and envisioning futures.
Suspension Demo
Client: Clear Motion
Role: Interaction Design Director, Client Relationship Lead
ClearMotion requested support with shaping their active suspension demonstrator. A real-time visualization and control interface were developed to demonstrate a range of suspension modes. Brand expression and mobile touchpoints were also visualized.
Vehicle Access Experience
Client: Ferrari
Role: Interaction Design Director, Client Relationship Lead
This project explored what the Ferrari brand means to vehicle owners and potential buyers and how to enhance the overall Ferrari ownership experience by designing a new key and vehicle access experience.
The Future of Automobility
Client: IDEO
Role: Design Director, Concept Lead, Story Lead
This future vision work explores mobility opportunities in the not-so-distant future. Comprised of four chapters, it visualizes how we might move people, things, spaces, and things together in the coming age of automobility.
Future Vision Work
Are you shaping a future strategy or visualizing future offerings? Get in touch to learn how to collaborate and bring your future to life.
Whether looking a decade ahead to anticipate future consumer product opportunities or visualizing our future mobility ecosystem, designbivouac applies a human and planet-centric approach. Probable, possible, and preferable futures across a future cone framework. Near-term, mid-term, and long-term timeframes all impact how future product and service opportunities are shaped and visualized.
Sometimes, creating visuals of your vision helps others understand its power. Projects like Futureproof: Postcards From the Future can help you find funding, capture the attention of collaborators, and attract new colleagues to push your vision forward.

Featured Future Vision Work
Futureproof: Postcards From The Future Series explores the integration of AI visualization tools into the creative process.
Services Summary
Below is a list of services provided by designbivouac.
Whether looking a decade ahead to anticipate future consumer products or visualizing our future mobility ecosystem, designbivouac applies a human and planet-centric approach. We plot probable, plausible, possible, and preferable futures across a future cone framework. Near-term, mid-term, and long-term timeframes are considered when envisioning future product and service opportunities.
Whether designing a streamlined application flow for a device or app or architecting intuitive interfaces for enterprise-scale software, bringing clarity and a bit of delight to each interaction drives designbivoauc’s digital and physical product work.
Designbivouac's work includes aesthetic sensibilities for typography, iconography, grid structures, color, motion, transitions, and depth cues.
User desirability, technical feasibility, business viability, and company capabilities are all considered when establishing an actionable purpose strategy. This guides all design efforts, ensuring offerings resonate with consumers and align fully with a company’s capabilities and culture.
Brand Expression is at its best when there is a deeper understanding of customers beyond market segmentation. This comes from spending time with users in context. Aligning experiences to brand enthusiasts' needs is a natural outcome of collaborating with designbivouac.
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