Futureproof: Lawn Keeper Drones

Lawn Keeper drone spreads grass seed and lawn nutrients across an exact GPS guided grid pattern for efficient and full lawn coverage.

Future Narrative

We subscribed to the Lawn Keeper drone service last Fall, and our lawn has never looked better. Syncing with seasonal data and local weather forecasts, the service seeds and fertilizes our lawn at optimal times of the year. The optional Lawn Defender service makes weekly passes to keep weeds at bay by targeting them with just enough low-power laser energy to eliminate them.

I used to think they would be annoying, but today’s drones are so quiet that I view them as a sign of the passing of the seasons, like the smell of freshly cut grass or the rustling of leaves across the lawn. As an added benefit, the Lawn Defender drones eliminate weeds without chemicals and work wonders on Mosquitoes.

Lawn Defender drones with low-power laser accessories rid lawns of weeds without the use of harsh chemicals. Popular with municipalities, they are also effective in managing pests like mosquitoes.


Drones are improving noise reduction, battery life, and GPS positioning. Prices continue to fall, and as more consumer use cases emerge, drones will become more integrated into our daily lives in hard-to-predict ways.

Implications & Signals

Drones are being adapted to new uses over battlefields and wheatfields daily. What restrictions might be needed for this new technology?

Might using drones provide a chemical-free way to manage pests?

Drone Launch Academy: How Are Drones Used in Agriculture?

Futureproof is a series of occasional provocations illustrating possible future paths for technology and culture. Think postcards from the future.