Futureproof: Endoskeletal Workwear

Future Narrative

These endoskeleton work jeans by Sustain™ help me get through long days at work. The endoskeletal support sewn into the selvage jean material bears most of the weight I lift daily. The system makes working on my feet far more bearable. It is not bulky and complicated like other exoskeleton systems. My favorite feature is that the system allows you to sit and rest even though you don’t have a chair. I take more frequent microbreaks and shift my posture, increasing my overall wellness and efficiency. I also love that this high-tech garment line keeps traditional craft jobs in places like North Carolina, where Sustain™ makes its endoskeleton armatures and sources its long lasting jean material.


As breakthroughs in supportive and assistive garments occur, how might we protect the physical and mental health of those doing physically taxing jobs rather than assuming they can do more work over longer hours?

Futureproof is a series of occasional provocations illustrating possible future paths for technology and culture. Think postcards from the future.