Bastion Facial Filter Glasses

Future Narrative

These Bastion facial filter glasses are excellent. They filter for UV, shift tint according to lighting conditions, and protect against incidental overlapping LIDAR from all the self-driving vehicles I pass on my walking commute. Most importantly, they provide filtered air close to my nose, which helps my breathing and allergies. ScentScene™ fragrance pods fit in each temple and emit various scents depending on your location.

While they cost more than traditional eyewear, the benefits have been worth it. The battery lasts about four days, and kinetic chargers ensure that every move I make puts some power back into my eyewear. Scents are powerfully linked to memory and are a neat way to enhance how we remember things. There are also connections between scents, health, and well-being. Come to think of it, I have been a bit more relaxed recently, so maybe there is something to the ScentScene™ technology after all.

Related Technologies

Micro air filtration system provides positive pressure and clean air around the nose and mouth.

Reflective gold coating and elements scatter LIDAR, protecting from rare overlapping amplified laser emissions from self-driving vehicles.

The kinetic charging feature utilizes body movement to keep the battery state high.

ScentScene™ pods placed in the ear temple produce a range of scents based on GPS coordinates.


“Smell can instantly trigger an emotional response along with a memory, and our emotional states have a very strong effect on our physical well-being,”

-Rachel Herz, a neuroscientist at Brown University who studies the psychological science of smell.

The ability of odors to bring to mind past experiences has intriguing scientific and therapeutic implications.
Read the Harvard Medical article The Connections Between Smell, Memory and Health.

LIDAR technology is overwhelmingly safe for the human eye. However, this could present issues if multiple beams coincide and strike the eye simultaneously. What other unintended consequences might we face as autonomous mobility scales?

Futureproof is a series of occasional provocations illustrating possible future paths for technology and culture. Think postcards from the future.