With all the turmoil at Volkswagen, it remains to be seen what path the company will take moving forward. Despite decent vehicle sales against 2022’s headwinds, the company is rumored to be scrapping its current electric vehicle platform for an entirely new architecture. Fundamental leadership changes were recently announced at the CEO and Head of Design levels. Here’s hoping a new electric platform designed from the ground up and a bit of looking at successes from the past can help move the company forward.
Well, here is a suggestion. Take a long, hard look back at more of your heritage vehicles. Why not apply your next-generation electric platform to making new vehicles that resemble desirable models from yesteryear? There is really no need to contemporize with flashy “ID. Buzz” aesthetics and the like. Modernize the one we knew and loved with modern manufacturing techniques and designs that meet today’s safety standards. The company had some success doing this with the VW bug, and it had a good run. Why not start with the new electric platform and relaunch with this…an electric-powered version of a T3 Syncro in a crew-cab Doka Transporter configuration?
Focus on building a line of vehicles closer to what VW was once known for producing: honest, economical, straightforward, accessible cars for the people. Variants of one platform worked in the past. They could again if the design of the new EV platform is done with that in mind. Efficiencies of this approach are working well for Tesla with the Model 3 and Model Y. Need more convincing of the appeal of your heritage vehicles? This artifact from VW’s past recently sold for $51,000 on Bring A Trailer.
And pick up the pace if you can. The competition is moving fast. Modernizing your iconic VW bus from the 1970s took over 20 years of concepting.