Futureproof Series | Postcards from the Future.

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The race to secure more helium-3 (He-3) is on! The isotope of helium is rare on Earth due to our shielding atmosphere, but it is plentiful in the lunar soil. He-3 is advancing quantum computing, powering fusion energy facilities, and making the production of in-space propellants possible. New companies are growing, offering trans-lunar transport, space mining equipment manufacturing and maintenance, lunar accommodations, and even space medical care. Thankfully, with such a range of space exploration and energy companies all staking claims to lunar plots, an international regulatory board oversees allocations for mining operations. I’m proud to crew one of the Prospector craft, which oversees sustainable lunar mining and exploration operations.

Hi. I’m Buster. Since our translator-enhanced training took place, I now relate to my trainers at an entirely new level. It feels so good to have an even richer bond with them. I am proud they believe in me enough to let me go into dangerous places to help save their friends. People have been so good to me. I just want to do good work for them. Digging and tunneling perfectly align with my breed heritage, so it is really a lot of fun most of the time. This new kit protects me and allows me to bring things to people in tight spaces. My trainer always has my back since I am roped in, and the air supply hose I carry to people who need it is something I use, too.

I purchased a new computer last year with Nanobot protection. Yesterday, I heard some faint ticking inside my machine. I turned on the internal monitor, and sure enough, the Nanobots were busy checking connections and cleaning up.

With their more robust frame, repair nanobots can repair delicate circuits or transport and replace components.

Nanobot access ports are standard for many new computers. Yutani offers an add-on Nanobot Access Port module that is compatible with a variety of computing platforms.

With declining air quality, the cost of cleaning highrise windows has skyrocketed. The Clearview highrise cleaning system seamlessly integrates into most architectural layouts. Using stored and filtered rainwater from the roof, the system’s vertical brush and squeegee assembly regularly sweep across window surfaces to remove dirt and grime.

Improving the performance of that first car has been a time-honored tradition amongst auto enthusiasts. What does the future hold for weekend garage projects as we move into the new era of electric-powered automobility? Will the focus be on power, efficiency, torque, range extension, or perhaps all of the above? And with the right to repair access disputed by some electric vehicle manufacturers, will this even be possible? What does safe electric vehicle modification look like in the 21st century?

In March, we installed a Stage 1 Tesla Performance Enhancement Pack (PEP Pack), which restored the vehicle's original range.

We added the FLUX Performance Enhancement Pack (Grey Market PEP Pack) in August, dramatically enhancing acceleration.

The electric vehicle modification market is thriving. Many vehicles are experiencing a second life thanks to a mixture of OEM and third-party performance enhancements available for electric cars over six years old. A Tesla FLUX (Functional Line Upgrade-X) vehicle modification safety interface module is shown. This product has become a proven gateway for next-generation electric vehicle modifiers.