Futureproof: Sea Level Rise and eVTOLs Reshape Coastal Cities
Future Narrative
When they started modifying the city’s coastline in 2021 to accommodate rising sea levels, I knew it was just the beginning. The continued rise of the seas redefined our streets, and the rise of EVTOL travel has reshaped the roofscape of our metropolis. Today, innovative, adaptable street-level structures are futureproofing the city against increasing sea levels. At the same time, our building's upper floors grow outward and are increasingly interconnected by new streetscapes in the sky.
Height adjustable highways are now appearing across many coastal cities, futurproofing ground traffic infrastructure against future sea level rise.
EVTOLs are reshaping the skyline as landing platforms become vital transportation hubs.
EVTOL landing platforms provide net opportunities to interlink buildings above ground level.
Breakthroughs in concrete are reshaping our cities. Permeable concrete is used at street level, where things are still above ground, to allow water to drain between high-water events. Lightweight and strong carbon fiber embedded concrete empowers architects to create more robust, lighter structures, increasing the square footage in our skyline.
Advances in building technologies, aerial mobility, and climate change may reshape our city skylines dramatically. Coastal cities must start implementing plans to mitigate sea level rise and make infrastructure more resilient.
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Futureproof is a series of occasional provocations illustrating possible future paths for technology and culture. Think postcards from the future.