Futureproof: Assistive Dexterity Devices

Fluid’s Mark IV dexterity assist device has helped millions of people recover dexterity independence and leave specialized input devices behind.

Future Narrative

Before my recent trip home, I noticed my parents communicated more frequently with me. I thought it was just excitement about my upcoming visit that led to the increased messages. But it turns out they bought each other assistive dexterity devices from Fluid for their 60th anniversary a couple of months ago. So far, they have made a remarkable difference in their day-to-day lives.

Dad worked on the line at General Motors for 31 years before retiring. While assembly robots did much of the heavy lifting, the work still took its toll on him. For years, he used a special AI-enabled macro keyboard to make his typing more efficient. Thanks to his new Fluid dexterity gloves, Dad can use a conventional keyboard again. He was so impressed that he bought a power-assisted PowerGrip version to wear on his right hand while he does yard work.

Fluid’s PowerGrip dexterity assist glove.

Mom taught in higher education for 25 years. She was constantly researching and writing papers, contributing to her dexterity issues. Her arthritis started about 15 years ago and has always been more pronounced in her left hand. As a trial, she purchased a Fluid left-handed Lace model co-branded by her favorite clothier. It has worked so well that she now has another pair for both hands.

While talking with them and hearing their voice messages is always great, the quick text notes they send are more frequent. I am glad this new generation of assistive dexterity devices has restored their ability to communicate in various ways.

Available in a variety of styles, Fluid's Lace model eliminates tremors.

Fluid Lace gloves restore user dexterity and the ability to communicate.


Nerve impulse sensing and electrically conductive fibers that can contract and expand help stabilize hands and assist with finger placement precision.

Some assistive dexterity models can increase hand strength significantly, extending mobility independence.


How might we design assistive devices that blend into one’s life as visually appealing fashion accessories?

Futureproof is a series of occasional provocations illustrating possible future paths for technology and culture. Think postcards from the future.